Discover the future of hearing: Oticon Intent with €300 discount per pair of hearing aids! Only until 31.10.2024!
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Künstliche Intelligenz, neuer Prozessor, neue Möglichkeiten. Starkeys neuestes Hörgerät jetzt erhältlich.
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Was Kunden über MySecondEar sagen
von 5129 BewertungenThe price of the Signia Active Pro from MySecondEar (1390,-€ or 2780,-€) was so unbeatably good compared to the prices of various renowned local providers (4500,-€ to 5600,-€) ,that I initially distrusted the offer from MySecondEar (mailbox company etc.). Therefore, an intensive Google research was carried out. Since the company immediately made a serious impression on me, I ordered my prescription issued by the ENT directly by email and my Signia Active Pro (Highstandart) online. The support and advice was provided by telephone by Mr. Böttcher Dominic in a professional manner exemplary and reliable.The hearing aid with all accessories (very extensive and free ⭐️) was delivered to me promptly and was already - as promised - preset according to my ENT prescription. A subsequent remote setting via the Internet would also be easy to arrange through MySecondEar, this was not necessary in my case.
Zusammengefasst: 5 Sterne ⭐️ mit Auszeichnung !!

Thank you for the very good advice on the two Oticon Zircon2 with div. accessories at a super price. The devices were delivered very quickly incl. sweet addition well packaged. The hearing aids were super pre-set and the tiresome inquiries, for example, when watching TV ( "what did he / she say") has as good as done. A readjustment via remote adjustment I will make at a later date and think that this also goes without problems.
Vielen Dank und viele Grüße an Herrn Böttcher und das MYSECONDEAR-Team. Werner Kappes
First of all, I would like to announce my age: 73 years.
Now to the question, how did I find out about MySecondEar?!
The local hearing care professional gave me very good advice, was courteous and gave me devices to try for both ears.
Ich war auch einigermaßen zufrieden damit, obwohl es einfache Geräte waren; man fängt ja mit den einfacheren Hörgeräten an und steigert sich dann.
Weil mir trotz meines Alters Computer, Handys und das Internet nicht fremd sind, schaute ich mir mal die Preise zum Vergleichen im Internet an und bin für einige Sekunden komplett erstarrt. Warum? Es war der Preis – mal locker 800,- € teurer.
Die Geräte wurden von mir schon am nächsten Tag wieder zurückgegeben, also vor Ort.
Dann recherchierte ich per Internet nach Onlinehändler für Hörgeräte und habe mich nach vielen Vergleichen für MySecondEar entschieden und wie sich herausstellte eine sehr gute Wahl.
Kurz gesagt:
- Die Firma per Mail angeschrieben und mich telefonisch beraten lassen.
- Ich habe mich dann für Oticon More 1 entschieden (aber nicht, weil sie mir aufgedrängt wurden, ich persönlich wollte die derzeit besten Hörer haben).
- Bestellt, bezahlt, schnell geliefert, nach einer Woche Fernanpassung und jetzt kommt der Hammer – mal eben 2100,- € gespart bei gleicher Geräteauswahl.
Noch etwas zur Fernanpassung. Die Oticon App heruntergeladen und installiert, Termin mit, in meinem Fall, einer Hörgeräte-Meister-Akustikerin vereinbart und die Geräte wurden eingestellt.
Es ist genauso professionell wie vor Ort, nur sehr viel billiger. Mit meinem Apple 12 Pro Max gab es überhaupt keine Schwierigkeiten, weil einem vorher Schritt für Schritt übermittelt wird, was vorher zu erledigen ist.
Fazit, fünf Sterne für MySecondEar.
Und noch etwas, die Oticon More 1 sind absolut gut, auch hier 5 *****

I am 78 and had to deal with the subject of hearing aids for the first time. Information appointments at local hearing care professionals were unsatisfactory (what is right for me, total prices etc..) and also long waiting times.
I came across MySecondEar via Google, and the layout and content of the homepage immediately appealed to me. Offer request for 2 variants was available after 2 hours, broken down in detail. On the same day came an announced call, a pleasant, informal conversation took place; I bought on the phone and paid with prepayment (I usually do not!).
Die Lieferung dauerte etwas und ich bekam 2 Hörgeräte nahe der Premiumklasse, plus Zubehör. Die Ersteinweisung durch einen freundlichen, kompetenten Mitarbeiter fand ein paar Tage später statt.
Diese Geräte habe ich innerhalb der Rückgabefrist zurück gegeben. Ich kam damit nicht zurecht, die Geräte sind äußerst filigran, haben aber keinen Taster, alles muss über die App vorgenommen werden, und mit der hatte ich zusätzliche Probleme.
Das Rückgabegespräch am Telefon wurde professionell abgewickelt, gleichzeitig habe ich 2 Hörgeräte eines anderen Herstellers geordert, auch wieder sofort bezahlt, Rückerstattung des ersten Kaufpreises war nach 2 Tagen auf dem Konto.
Mit den neuen Geräten bin ich, nach 2 Wochen Nutzung, super zufrieden, ein sehr freundlicher, hilfsbereiter und geduldiger Mitarbeiter betreut mich, bisher mehrmals, und geht auch auf meine Wünsche der Einstellungen und Anpassungen ein.
Jetzt komme ich endlich zum eigentlichen Zweck dieser Offenlegung, “die Bewertung“.
MySecondEar bekommt von mir 5 hoch verdiente Sterne. An erster Stelle für die Mitarbeiter und knapp dahinter für das unschlagbare Preis/Leistungsverhältnis.
Lieferverzögerungen, App-Probleme ändern nichts daran und kann ich auch MySecondEar nicht alleine dafür verantwortlich machen.

I was initially skeptical about a purely online solution. But the initial contact by phone and a visit to the Berlin branch completely dispelled my doubts. The scope of delivery and the service offer clearly exceed what the two local acousticians offered me. A price almost 3,500 € lower for the identical hearing aid (P70) with accessories is almost unbelievable, but fact. The remote fitting with Ms. Holthusen was absolutely successful. I can only recommend MySecondEar to everyone.

Many thanks for the top advice and the super price performance offer Mr. Hübner. The devices were delivered very quickly incl. The free gifts were also some nice additions in the package. The hearing aids were super pre-set I could hear from the first second again things that I was no longer aware after 4 years. Thank you to MYSECONDEAR you have helped me a lot to get a new life feeling I can again participate in conversations without constantly asking what did you say. Yesterday I received by Mrs. Holthusen a top super made remote fine tuning was changed after an online hearing test (as at the ear doctor only online) some tones in my favor and I received more desire programs fed into the hearing aid. A great thing you are at home in a quiet environment do not have to be out of the house (For me as a long-time wheelchair driver absolutely ingenious) Thank you Mrs. Holthusen I look forward to the next appointment in two weeks and thank you very much.

The price for 2 devices was half cheaper than from the local acoustician.
The also still quite unfriendly
Was although I already 3 devices
Bought there I can only recommend to anyone
To buy from them especially if man is experienced hearing aids and can operate a cell phone.
Die erste Einstellung war fast perfekt

I had already tested the Phonak Audéo L90-R at an established hearing aid provider. However, the price was so utopian that I looked for alternatives on the Internet and found them at MySecondEar. After contacting the friendly service in Berlin, they made me an offer that was about 3000 € cheaper with the same services and even a 5-year Phonak warranty. Since MySecondEar now has a branch in Hamburg, the rest was just a formality for me. I was able to try out the hearing aids on site and take them home immediately after they had been perfectly fitted and adjusted by Ms. Müller. I am very satisfied with the service and the price-performance ratio begeistert👌👌👌

absolutely unsurpassed so far, first telephone contact (every inquiry was responded/answered promptly), accompanying sound advice and prompt purchase processing (Ms. Wuckelt, Ms. Saric), professional top acoustician service (Mr. Albrecht - pre-setting and fine adjustment).
Die Entscheidung und meine damit begleitenden Zweifel bzw. Bedenken gegenüber „MySecondEar“ als Internetanbieter, wurden wie zuvor geschildert komplett ausgeräumt.
Fazit: Nicht allein das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, sondern das Gesamtpaket hat mich überzeugt. Zukünftig führt an „MySecondEar“ kein Weg vorbei!
Erworbenes Produkt: Widex Moment 440 mRic R (absolutes Spitzenprodukt der Premiumklasse) zuzüglich Widex TV-Play !
Now 6 months hearing aids tested (Widex magnify; Phonak marvel; Starkey and Phonak Paradise).Which company offers this comfort?! And all this with the friendly and knowledgeable support of the audiologist. In this context, I would like to thank the company management and in particular the supervising audiologist Mr. Hassan. Good hearing aids are one thing and patient and knowledgeable support is another. Here in this company I found both and coupled with the good recommended hearing aids I can now participate actively in public life again. Thanks to all the staff of 'mysecondear' and 'All the best' for the 'New Calendar Year'.
Klaus Baschin

After consultations with local hearing care professionals and intensive internet research, I chose MySecondEar. The return policy, the promise of fittings and guarantees, and the extensive range of products convinced me. When a particularly favorable offer for the Evolv AI 2400 appeared, I ordered there. And was not disappointed: The advice on the phone, the quick replacement of the too short earpiece cable and especially the extremely accurate online sessions for remote fitting convinced me that I had made the right choice.

I am completely thrilled with the price, I have just saved 3000€ here, plus excellent service and the remote adjustment also went wonderfully. A miracle of technology, one must say clearly so. An acoustician adjusts my hearing aids from the home office :-).
Every request was answered very quickly , by mail or phone. Great service, keep it up!

As a hearing aid beginner, I was initially skeptical about a purely online solution. But even the initial telephone contact with the very friendly Ms. Saric completely dispelled my doubts. The scope of delivery and the service offer clearly exceed what the local acoustician offered me. Not to mention a price almost 3,000 € less for the identical hearing aid. The delivery was promised for about 4-5 weeks, but actually already after 2 weeks with me. The preset hearing aids were already quite well adjusted for me. The communication with the staff revealed a level of competence that I had not expected. The fitting with Ms. Reents was also absolutely relaxed. Overall, it was the perfect decision for me!

I ordered hearing aids online for the first time from MySecondEar. The consultation before ordering and the online fitting after delivery was all to my complete satisfaction. The staff is very friendly and extremely competent. The price for the hearing aids is unbeatable.
Die österreichische Krankenversicherung lehnt eine Zuzahlung beim Onlinekauf ab, trotzdem habe ich mir rund € 1.000,-- erspart.
MySecondEar kann ich sehr weiterempfehlen, tolles Service und perfekte Anpassung der Hörgeräte.

A local hearing care professional had set me up with the best ones from Phonak to try out. When I learned what these should cost, I switched to a cheaper one of the subsidiary - after less than half a day I knew that these were completely out of the question (and after all also 3000€ own co-payment required). Out of sheer desperation, we searched the Internet and I took the "risk"! It all works great and I am very satisfied so far!!!

Up to 50% less expensive
Due to efficient processes, we can offer up to 50% lower prices than traditional acousticians.

Largest product selection
We work with all leading manufacturers and thus advise you completely independently.

Modern specialty stores
If you prefer to enjoy our service on site, you are welcome to visit us in one of our modern specialty stores.