Hörverlust/Schwerhörigkeit Grad der Behinderung (GdB) Tabelle

Hearing loss/degree of hearing loss (GdB)

The degree of disability (GdB) indicates the extent to which someone is physically, socially or mentally impaired by their disability. The scale ranges from 20 to 100 and moves in steps of 10. If a GdB is determined, those affected can claim compensation for disadvantages. hearing loss can also have a major impact on life. Depending on the severity of the hearing loss, a different degree of disability is therefore determined. Even with a mild hearing loss, you should seek treatment with hearing aids!

Calculating the degree of disability (GdB) for hearing loss

The "Disability Insurance Ordinance" is a binding guideline with legal status for the calculation of the GdB for hearing loss. It stipulates that the unilateral or bilateral nature of the hearing loss, associated speech disorders, the age of onset and possible other disabilities are included in the calculation. The basis is the sound and speechudiogram, in which the hearing ability of the respective person is assessed and recorded. The BERA is used as an alternative for young children who are not yet able to participate in the creation of an audiogram. Although the results of the ABR are not very accurate, they provide an initial assessment of hearing performance.

The following table is used to derive the percentage hearing loss from the results of the speech audiometric test. The word comprehension curve is used as the basis for the value of overall word comprehension. The calculation is carried out as follows: The comprehension rate at 60, 80 and 100 dB is added together. In the case of a hearing loss of up to 40%, the following calculation is to be applied differently: 3 x intelligibility rate at 60 dB + 2 x intelligibility rate at 80 dB + 1 x intelligibility rate at 100 dB. The result is divided by two.

Source: https://dr-timmel.de/kundeninformationen/hintergrundinformationen/amtl-tabelle-zum-grad-der-schwerhorigkeit

From the tone audiogram, the values for 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 4000 Hz are relevant for the degree of disability. With the measured values of the audiogram, a value can be determined for each ear individually in the 4-frequency table according to Rösner.

Hearing loss dB 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz
10 0 0 0 0
15 2 3 2 1
20 3 5 5 2
25 4 8 7 4
30 6 10 9 5
35 8 13 11 6
40 9 16 13 7
45 11 18 16 8
50 12 21 18 9
55 14 24 20 10
60 15 26 23 11
65 17 29 25 12
70 18 32 27 13
75 19 32 28 14
80 19 33 29 14
from 85 20 35 30 15

4-frequency table

The values in the table show the hearing loss in % for the respective ear. Assuming the following values were read from the table for the right ear via the audiogram: 500 Hz: 17; 1000 Hz: 32; 2000 Hz: 29; 4000 Hz: 14. This would result in a total of 92 (17 + 32 + 29 + 14). This value is in turn assigned to the so-called hearing levels:

0-20% Normal hearing
20-40% Geriatric hearing loss
40-60% Moderate hearing loss
60-80% High degree of hearing loss
80-95% Hardness of hearing bordering on deafness
100% Deafness

The right ear from the example would therefore be classified as bordering on deafness.
Finally, the degree of disability is shown in the following table:

Source: https://www.hoerkomm.de/schwerh%C3%B6rigkeit_in_zahlen.html

Calculating GdS/GdB hearing loss for both ears

To calculate the degree of hearing loss for both ears, you need this table:

GdB hearing loss: What percentage of disability with hearing loss

Depending on the severity, i.e. the degree of hearing loss in percent and unilateral or bilateral hearing loss, the degree of disability for hearing loss varies between 0 and 80 percent. The highest value of 80% applies if there is bilateral hearing loss bordering on deafness. People with minor, unilateral hearing loss are not recognized as having a degree of disability (0%)


Degree of disability for hearing loss: High-frequency hearing loss GdB

If severe, a high-frequency hearing loss can mean a great restriction in everyday life for those affected. This is the reason why a GdB can be calculated. As with other forms of hearing loss, age of onset, possible speech disorders and the unilateral or bilateral nature of the hearing loss are included in the calculation. The everyday challenges faced by people with hearing loss are made easier by treatment with hearing aids.

Tinnitus hearing loss degree of disability

Hearing loss and tinnitus often occur together. Tinnitus can, independently of hearing loss, already be regarded as a reason for an independent degree of disability. The severity ranges up to a severe disability (GdB 50).

Degree of severe disability for hearing loss

People with a GdB of at least 50 are considered severely disabled. Accordingly, hearing loss can only be considered a severe disability if both sides are affected and if at least one high degree of hearing loss is present. For the labor market, equal treatment can be granted to people with a GdB of at least 30 if their disability prevents them from finding a suitable job.